Avi-Plus Parrot Bix – Shapes

Original price was: R 74.00.Current price is: R 66.60.

Avi-plus extruded parrot bix contain proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that may be partially or wholly absent from a pure seed diet. The well balance and nutritional value of Avi-Plus parrot bix ensures the chicks grow well and feather beautifully. For your breeding birds the pellets supply dicalcium phosphate and lime for egg shell formation, as well as ten other minerals and trace elements. They also supply proteins and vitamin E – among thirteen other vitamins – to ensure maximum fertility.
The Bix are easy to feed, especially with greens, fruit, soaked seeds or boiled beans can be conveniently mixed with sunflower and other seeds in a self feeder for the birds to help themselves over weekends or while you are away.


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