SECOND HAND – Living and Working with the Horse of Spain – Hardcover book

R 200.00

“Images of beautiful Spanish horses performing high school movements and airs above the ground, carrying costumed Spaniards at the Feria or evading the horns of black fighting bulls with courage and agility have entranced horse lovers for centuries. Increasingly, riders are buying or importing Spanish horses and the authors have prepared this book for those who aspire to share their lives with the horse of Spain. The book looks at the history of the Spanish horse, his breeding, conformation and temperament, and his traditional training for the bull ring, la doma vaquera, la garrocha and la doma classica: the true art of classical dressage. The authors cover the Spanish method of training of the horse in-hand and under saddle, as well as the training of the rider, and there are chapters on the Spanish horse in the show ring, saddlery, costume and traditional turn-out and presentation. Advice is given on buying Spanish horses, their care and management, and whether or not to breed. Both practical and poetic, this celebration of the Spanish horse is distinguished by a wonderful selection of photographs. ”

Hard cover book

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